Course curriculum

  • 1
    Introduction To Technique
    • The Benefits of Weightlifting
  • 2
    The Snatch
    • Benefits of the Snatch
    • Progression 1 - Grip To Overhead Squat
    • Progression 2 - Snatch Balance To Hip Power Snatch Into Overhead Squat
    • Progression 3 - Hip Snatch To Full Snatch
    • Technical Problems
    • Strength Weaknesses
  • 3
    The Clean
    • Benefits of the Clean
    • Progression 1 - Front Squat
    • Progression 2 - High Hang Power Clean into Front Squat To High Hang Full Clean
    • Progression 3 - Pause below kneepause above knee power clean To Clean
    • Technical Problems
    • Strength Weaknesses
  • 4
    The Jerk
    • Benefits of the Jerk
    • Progression 1 - Grip
    • Progression 2 - Foot Position
    • Progression 3 - Push Press To Press In Split
    • Progression 4 - BB Split Jerk
    • Progression 5 - BN Jerk
    • Strength and Technical Problems
  • 5
    Before you go
    • Unlock The Secret